Blood Tests and Urine Tests

Very often, you are required to do a blood test or an urine test or both. If you have a RAMQ card, you can go to a public testing centre for free. If you do not want to line up in a public testing centre waiting for hours or if you want to get your test results faster within 48 hours, you can try our service. We offer blood tests at our nurse clinic or at your home for adults as well as children. The price you pay depends on the following conditions.

1. Do you have a RAMQ card (public medical card for citizens and permanent residents)?

- If you answer YES, your sample will be sent to a public testing centre with no extra charge. You only need to pay the nurse fee for blood withdraw. 

- If you answer NO,  your sample will be sent to a private testing centre and you need to pay a testing fee depending on the tests you do. And you will pay the nurse fee for blood withdraw. You may claim the nurse fee and the test fee from your private insurance.

2. Do you want to go to our clinic or do you want to have a blood withdrawal at home?

- Our nurse clinic is at 8190 Boulevard Newman, #205B, Lasalle, H8N1X9. The nurse fee is 60$.
- For home blood withdrawal, a location fee will be added on top of the nurse fee. Please check the Web page.

3. Why do I need to upload the test requisition form?

We need to verify if the samples can be sent to a public or a private testing centre. We need to give you a quote if sending to a private testing centre. If you do not accept the quote, you can cancel the order.

4. What if I need a urine test as well?

For the urine test together with the blood test, the urine test is free. Just upload the urine test requisition form as well. 

5. Can I book now?

Please follow the link to book your test. We will send you a price quote if we need to send your sample to a private lab. If you do not accept the quote, you will get refunded.